In Business As in Life, You Don’t Get What You Deserve, You Get What You Negotiate… Dr. Chester Karass

I have been bragging lately that so far in 2017, I do not have any clients receiving denials. All have received US Tourist Visa grants with 10 year multiple entry validity. Well, my first denial for 2017 has come. That is the reason I only guarantee a 97% rate of approval in my website. It sucks however not hitting a 100% rating each year.
I always get bothered by that one denial and so I normally contact the client and discussed in detail what had happened. My guarantee of an approval is always there and the consultation will continue — unlimited — until an approval will have been reached.
And so I would asked details of the DS160, a transcript of the interview, and the atmosphere of the application. I would also check if the applicant has been faithfully listening to the audio files which is included in the US VISA COACH Master Package. More often than not, I would see the gap where the US Tourist Visa would have already been granted but was withheld for the simple reason that the applicant failed to initiate the aggressive mode that I have been talking about in the latter part of the package.
There is a way of doing it right with the proper basis. Doing so will nudge the consul a bit, small enough to swing his decision to your favor. Small but life changing most especially when it grants you access for 10 years to the US!
So folks, you have my guarantee of approval. Just follow my module and the rest would be easy.
What you get in life is after all based on what you negotiate.